Thursday 22nd April is Earth Day, a day the world comes together to take climate action. ECO Surv are celebrating this by highlighting the everyday swaps members of the team make to be more environmentally friendly and help save the planet.

Here are just some of the ways our staff are making an effort to become more environmentally conscious:

Save As You Search

Using search engine Ecosia which plants trees for every web search you do. Ecosia uses the profit they make from searches to plant trees where they are needed most, benefiting people, the environment and local economies.


Don’t Use It? Sell It

Buy and sell second-hand clothes on apps such as Depop and Vinted to ensure they avoid going to landfill.


Plastic Waste Saved

Reduce plastic waste using our very own ECO Surv reusable water bottle instead of purchasing plastic bottles!


Grown Local, Bought Local

Eating as locally as possible. Supporting our very own British produce farmers to purchase locally grown produce and reduce our carbon emissions as much as possible.


Switch up your Makeup Routine

Reusable makeup remover pads and cleansers to reduce the use of makeup wipes. 6 billion pounds of wipes are thrown into the landfill each year, which add up to 1.3 billion wipes thrown away each day. That’s 20 million makeup wipes a day being thrown into the bin!


Reuse, Reuse, Reuse!

Use reusable bags when food shopping. Large retailers such as Tesco, Sainsbury’s, Asda & Waitrose provide these at a small cost and then will replace them for free if they break.


Paperless Banking

An easy way to reduce your paper consumption by viewing your bank statements entirely online.


Consciously Commute

More environmentally conscious ways of commuting, from cycling to work to driving an electric car.


No Printing Here 

Some of the team have gone completely paperless. Using their laptops to make notes and never printing documents out, reducing unnecessary waste.


The ECO Surv Software is Entirely Paperless

ECO Surv is a paper free process for installers. Since our inception we estimate that this has resulted in 1603 trees being saved from deforestation. To put that into context, that’s around 13 acres of the Amazon Rainforest spared.

Do you want to understand more about how ECO Surv can make you more efficient and help you save the planet? Then get in touch via our Contact Us page below.